Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Functions of Call forwarding Feature

Call forwarding is a phone feature that will allow an incoming call to be diverted to other phone extension, when the called party is unavailable.

The most recent type of call forwarding is made through a web user interface panel. It has a big difference compared to the traditional call forwarding services. Before, it needs an attendant to physically switch or forward the calls to the other phone line. Currently, with just a few clicks, everything will be sent even without a need for an attendant.

To have a competitive phone system, it must be equipped with sophisticated phone features. Call forwarding should work is such a way that you can take calls when you are available and divert them to voicemail when you are not.

Now what you can do with the call forwarding feature is determine:

• Time of day routing.
You can set how and when you are going to receive the calls according to your preferred time. For instance, in the morning, you can reroute your calls to the office phone. Calls in the afternoon can be diverted to the front desk. And calls during night will be routed to voicemail.

• Day of week routing.
Access your voicemail via internet anywhere you want during weekends.

• Holiday schedule
During holidays, you may set your call forwarding feature to send all calls to voicemail. You may also create a custom greeting notifying callers of your holiday schedule.

And establish:

• Caller ID
It allows you to set specific call answering rules for certain callers. For instance you can filter the calls, business-family. All family calls are forwarded to your personal mobile phone so that they can reach you all times.

With a call forwarding feature included in your business phone arsenal, you will never have to worry about phone calls ever again.

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