Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What Exactly Are Voice Mails and Unified Messaging

Unified messaging and voice mails are telephone technologies which are automated and are used by small and large businesses in order to increase their company’s productivity as well as efficiency while at the same time still provide a round-the-clock responsiveness to their company’s callers. These two telephone technologies are also known as the virtual PBX, virtual assistant and virtual office systems.

A virtual PBX doesn’t require a person to purchase any hardware or software. One simply rents a service per month, then the virtual PBX service provider routes the calls automatically to the number that is assigned to the person exclusively. All the calls to the exclusive number will be received at the person’s physical phone.

A unified messaging service or a voicemail service is able to let one’s callers to press keys that can give them more information through voice or fax. Also, this service enables the callers to leave their voice mail messages. These voice mail messages will then be addressed live to the individual they are calling.

There is actually a good range of various unified messaging and voice mail services available. All of them offer various features as well as calling plans. A voice mail service requires a monthly fee charge for any basic service, plus the long distance by the minute for all usage. Most of these services offer non-toll or local numbers or toll-free numbers.

With regards to the pricing, it varies basically depending on what feature one chooses. One can have everything from a virtual PBX (or unified messaging) with the works to a voice mail box or a toll free number

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